Reiki är en holistisk behandlingsmetod som gynnar kroppens förmåga till självläkning och helande. Tänk på sambanden mellan orden hela, helande och hel. Om en person mår dåligt kan det bero på att han /hon inte längre är "hel". Det kan finnas en blockering eller saknas en länk så att energin kan flyta ohindrad. Grundsyftet med en Reiki behandling är att ta bort blockeringar, att återskapa länkar för ett fritt flöde av energi.
Med Reiki kan man behandla stress, fysiska och mentala spänningar, obalanser och mycket mer. Metoden har sannolikt sitt ursprung i Tibet och utvecklades i Japan i början av 1900 talet av Mikao Usui. Det finns mycket skrivet om honom men jag skall inte gå in på det här. En behandling med Reiki kan lösa upp spänningar, dämpa stress, öka välbefinnande, ge djup avslappning och förbättra sömnen. Det handlar om att få ett bättre flöde av energier i kroppen, att skapa en balans mellan kropp, tanke, känslor och ande. Reiki är till sin natur säker och välgörande. Den är en mjuk och behaglig behandlingsform. Reiki beskrivs ibland som Universell (= Rei) Livsenergi (= ki). Det finns idag många varianter av Reiki. Jag jobbar med den ursprungliga formen, som idag ofta kallas Usui Reiki Shiki Ryoho. |
What is Reiki ?
Reiki is an ancient form of healing. It has its origins in Tibet but was not widely used until it was re-discovered by a Japanese monk, called Mikao Usui. He developed Reiki into an system for healing. It was further developed by Usui’s students and introduced in countries outside of Japan. In the west, it is known as Usui Reiki Shiki Ryoho. What do the words mean ? Reiki is most often described as ”Universal Life Energy”. - Reiki is a combination of the japanese words Rei and Ki. - Rei can be described as universal, higher wisdom or boundless cosmic aspect. - Ki is also known as Chi in Chinese and Prana in Indian yoga. It means vital energy, breath of life, the activating energy of the universe, life energy - Shiki means ceremony. - Ryoho means healing method. How does Reiki work ? The word ”healing” has the same etymological root as the word ”whole”. If a person is ill, he/she is no longer connected to the whole. There is a block; there is a disconnection. The purpose of healing is to remove the block or blocks and facilitate a reconnection with the whole. Reiki is a holistic healing system. It boosts the body’s immune system and activates the body’s ability to heal itself. It brings harmony and balance to body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki is great for stress reduction, relaxation and general well-being. It can speed up the healing process after sickness, an operation or other form of illness. Reiki is intrinsically good, safe and benevolent. It can never harm. How is Reiki performed? If you suffer from a headache, you often put your hands on your head. Any parent will intuitively hold a child who has hurt itself and gently blow on or touch the painful area. Healing by putting on of hands seems to come natural to us. Note that in Reiki healing, the Reiki practitioner is only facilitating the healing. The healing energy does not come from the Reiki healer. The role of the healer is to be a bridge between the Reiki energy and the client, to channel the healing energy to the client. During the healing session, it is not uncommon that the client will be so relaxed as to fall asleep. Should this happen, it does not affect the healing in any way. On the contrary, it might benefit the healing as the client will be more open to receive the healing energy. |
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